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The Amazing Discoveries of Voyage 2: From Jupiter's Moons to Neptune's Rings

- When and how was it launched? - What are its main achievements and discoveries? H2: Voyager 2's Journey Through the Solar System H3: Jupiter Flyby - When and how did Voyager 2 encounter Jupiter? - What did it observe and measure? - What new moon did it discover? H3: Saturn Flyby - When and how did Voyager 2 encounter Saturn? - What did it observe and measure? - How did it use Saturn's gravity to change its trajectory? H3: Uranus Flyby - When and how did Voyager 2 encounter Uranus? - What did it observe and measure? - What new moons and rings did it discover? H3: Neptune Flyby - When and how did Voyager 2 encounter Neptune? - What did it observe and measure? - What new moons, rings, and dark spot did it discover? H2: Voyager 2's Entry Into Interstellar Space H3: What is Interstellar Space and How is it Different from the Solar System? - How do scientists define interstellar space? - What are the main features and properties of interstellar space? - How does interstellar space affect the spacecraft and its instruments? H3: When and How Did Voyager 2 Enter Interstellar Space? - How do scientists determine when a spacecraft enters interstellar space? - What were the signs and signals that Voyager 2 crossed the heliopause? - How did Voyager 2 compare to Voyager 1 in terms of timing and location? H3: What is Voyager 2 Studying in Interstellar Space? - What are the main scientific objectives and questions of Voyager 2 in interstellar space? - What are the main instruments and data sources of Voyager 2 in interstellar space? - What are some of the key findings and insights of Voyager 2 in interstellar space so far? H2: Conclusion - Summarize the main points and achievements of Voyager 2's mission. - Emphasize the significance and impact of Voyager 2's mission for science and humanity. - Mention the current status and future prospects of Voyager 2's mission. H2: FAQs - Q1: How long will Voyager 2 continue to operate and communicate with Earth? A1: ... - Q2: How fast is Voyager 2 traveling and how far is it from Earth? A2: ... - Q3: Does Voyager 2 carry any message or artifact for potential alien civilizations? A3: ... - Q4: How much did Voyager 2's mission cost and who funded it? A4: ... - Q5: How can I learn more about Voyager 2's mission or access its data and images? A5: ... Table 2: Article with HTML formatting Voyager 2: The Second Spacecraft to Enter Interstellar Space

Voyager 2 is a space probe launched by NASA on August 20, 1977, to study the outer planets and interstellar space beyond the Sun's heliosphere. As a part of the Voyager program, it was launched 16 days before its twin, Voyager 1, on a trajectory that took longer to reach gas giants Jupiter and Saturn but enabled further encounters with ice giants Uranus and Neptune.

Voyager 2 remains the only spacecraft to have visited either of the ice giant planets. It also successfully fulfilled its primary mission of visiting the Jovian system in 1979, the Saturnian system in 1981, Uranian system in 1986, and the Neptunian system in 1989. The spacecraft is now in its extended mission of studying interstellar space. It has been operating for over four decades as of May 2023; as of May 17, 2023, it has reached a distance of about 19.9 billion km (12.4 billion mi) from Earth.

voyage 2

The probe entered interstellar space on Bianca, Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Portia, Rosalind, Belinda, Perdita, and Puck, orbiting between the main rings and the largest moon, Miranda.

  • The discovery of two new rings: the epsilon ring, the outermost and brightest of Uranus' rings, and the 1986U2R ring, a faint and narrow ring.

  • The observation of Uranus' unusual axial tilt, which causes its poles to point almost directly at the Sun during its solstices.

  • The measurement of the mass, size, shape, rotation, and magnetic fields of Uranus and its moons.

  • The use of Uranus' gravity to bend Voyager 2's trajectory towards Neptune.

Neptune Flyby

Voyager 2 encountered Neptune on August 25, 1989, becoming the first and only spacecraft to visit the eighth planet from the Sun. It flew by the planet at a distance of about 4,950 km (3,080 mi) and took over 10,000 images of Neptune and its satellites.

Some of the observations and measurements made by Voyager 2 at Neptune include:

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  • The discovery of five new moons: Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, and Proteus, orbiting close to Neptune's equator.

  • The discovery of four new rings: the Adams ring, the outermost and brightest of Neptune's rings, which contains three prominent arcs named Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity; the Le Verrier ring, a narrow ring just inside the Adams ring; the Lassell ring, a faint ring inside the Le Verrier ring; and the Galle ring, a faint ring inside the Lassell ring.

  • The observation of Neptune's Great Dark Spot, a giant storm system similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot, which disappeared by 1994.

  • The measurement of the mass, size, shape, rotation, and magnetic fields of Neptune and its moons.

  • The use of Neptune's gravity to propel Voyager 2 out of the plane of the ecliptic and into interstellar space.

Voyager 2's Entry Into Interstellar Space

Voyager 2's entry into interstellar space was a historic milestone for space exploration. It marked the end of its journey through the solar system and the beginning of its journey through the vast and unknown region beyond.

What is Interstellar Space and How is it Different from the Solar System?

Interstellar space is the space between stars in a galaxy. It is filled with a thin gas of atoms and molecules called the interstellar medium (ISM), as well as dust grains, cosmic rays, magnetic fields, and radiation. The ISM is not uniform but varies in density, temperature, composition, and structure.

The solar system is the region of space dominated by the Sun's gravity and influence. It consists of eight planets and their moons, asteroids, comets, dwarf planets, and other small bodies. It is bounded by a bubble-like region called the heliosphere, which is formed by the outward flow of charged particles from the Sun called the solar wind. The heliosphere protects the solar system from most of the interstellar radiation and cosmic rays.

The boundary between the heliosphere and the ISM is called the heliopause. It is where the pressure of the solar wind balances the pressure of the interstellar wind, which is the flow of ISM particles into the heliosphere. The heliopause is not a fixed or smooth surface but varies in shape and distance from the Sun depending on the relative strength and direction of the solar and interstellar winds.

Interstellar space is different from the solar system in several ways. For example:

  • The density of matter in interstellar space is much lower than in the solar system. The average density of the ISM is about 1 atom per cubic centimeter, while the average density of the solar wind near Earth is about 5 atoms per cubic centimeter.

  • The temperature of matter in interstellar space is much higher than in the solar system. The average temperature of the ISM is about 10,000 K, while the average temperature of the solar wind near Earth is about 100,000 K. However, because of the low density, the heat content and pressure of interstellar space are much lower than in the solar system.

  • The composition of matter in interstellar space is different from in the solar system. The ISM is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium, with traces of heavier elements and molecules. The solar wind is mostly composed of protons and electrons, with traces of alpha particles and other ions.

  • The magnetic field in interstellar space is weaker and more turbulent than in the solar system. The average strength of the interstellar magnetic field is about 0.1 to 1 nanotesla, while the average strength of the solar magnetic field near Earth is about 5 nanotesla. The interstellar magnetic field also changes direction and intensity more frequently than the solar magnetic field.

When and How Did Voyager 2 Enter Interstellar Space?

Voyager 2 entered interstellar space on November 5, 2018, according to NASA. This was confirmed by analyzing data from Voyager 2's Plasma Science Experiment (PLS), which measures the speed, density, temperature, pressure, and flux of plasma in space. The PLS detected a sharp drop in the speed and increase in the density of plasma around Voyager 2 on that date, indicating that it had crossed the heliopause and entered the ISM.

Voyager 2 entered interstellar space about six years after Voyager 1, which crossed the heliopause on August 25, 2012. However, Voyager 2 entered interstellar space at a different location and time than Voyager 1, due to their different trajectories and the variability of the heliopause. Voyager 2 crossed the heliopause at a distance of about 119 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun, while Voyager 1 crossed it at a distance of about 122 AU. Voyager 2 also crossed the heliopause when the solar activity was low, while Voyager 1 crossed it when the solar activity was high. These factors affect the shape and size of the heliopause and the properties of the plasma near it.

What is Voyager 2 Studying in Interstellar Space?

Voyager 2 is studying interstellar space with its suite of scientific instruments, which include:

  • The Plasma Science Experiment (PLS), which measures the speed, density, temperature, pressure, and flux of plasma in space.

  • The Cosmic Ray Subsystem (CRS), which measures the energy and flux of cosmic rays, which are high-energy particles from outside the solar system.

  • The Low-Energy Charged Particle Instrument (LECP), which measures the energy and flux of low-energy ions and electrons in space.

  • The Magnetometer (MAG), which measures the strength and direction of magnetic fields in space.

  • The Plasma Wave Subsystem (PWS), which measures the electric and magnetic fields of plasma waves in space.

  • The Ultraviolet Spectrometer Subsystem (UVS), which measures the ultraviolet light from stars and other sources in space.

Some of the main scientific objectives and questions of Voyager 2 in interstellar space are:

  • To measure the properties and structure of the ISM and compare them with those of the solar wind.

  • To study how the ISM interacts with the heliosphere and how it affects the spacecraft and its instruments.

  • To investigate the origin and evolution of cosmic rays and how they vary in interstellar space.

  • To explore the magnetic field and plasma waves in interstellar space and how they differ from those in the solar system.

  • To search for ultraviolet sources in interstellar space and how they illuminate the ISM.

Some of the key findings and insights of Voyager 2 in interstellar space so far are:

  • The confirmation that Voyager 2 has entered a new region of space with a plasma density about 40 times higher than that in the outer layer of the heliosphere.

  • The discovery that the interstellar magnetic field is stronger and more aligned with the solar magnetic field than expected.

  • The observation that the interstellar plasma temperature is lower than predicted by models, suggesting that there may be a cooling mechanism in interstellar space.

  • The measurement of the variations and fluctuations of the interstellar plasma and magnetic field, which indicate that interstellar space is not static but dynamic and turbulent.

  • The detection of ultraviolet emissions from stars in the constellation of Camelopardalis, which are partially blocked by interstellar dust.


Voyager 2 is a remarkable spacecraft that has made history by visiting four of the five outer planets and entering interstellar space. It has provided us with invaluable data and images of the solar system and beyond, revealing new worlds, phenomena, and mysteries. It has also inspired generations of scientists, engineers, explorers, and dreamers to pursue the quest for knowledge and discovery.

Voyager 2 is still operating and communicating with Earth, despite the challenges of distance, power, and aging. It is expected to continue its mission until at least 2025, when its radioisotope thermoelectric generators will no longer provide enough electrical power to run its instruments. Until then, it will continue to send us valuable information about the interstellar environment and its interaction with the heliosphere.

Voyager 2 is not only a scientific instrument but also a cultural ambassador. It carries a golden record that contains sounds, images, and messages from Earth, representing the diversity and richness of life and culture on our planet. It also carries a plaque that shows the location of our solar system in the galaxy, as well as a greeting from then-President Jimmy Carter. These artifacts are intended to communicate with any intelligent civilization that may encounter Voyager 2 in the distant future.

Voyager 2 is a testament to human curiosity, creativity, and ingenuity. It is one of the greatest achievements of space exploration and one of the most enduring legacies of humanity. It is a reminder that we are not alone in this vast and wonderful universe, but part of a larger cosmic community.


Q1: How long will Voyager 2 continue to operate and communicate with Earth?

A1: Voyager 2 will continue to operate and communicate with Earth until at least 2025, when its radioisotope thermoelectric generators will no longer provide enough electrical power to run its instruments. After that, it will become silent and drift in interstellar space indefinitely.

Q2: How fast is Voyager 2 traveling and how far is it from Earth?

A2: Voyager 2 is traveling at a speed of about 15 km/s (9 mi/s) relative to the Sun. As of May 17, 2023, it has reached a distance of about 19.9 billion km (12.4 billion mi) from Earth, which is about 133 times the distance between Earth and the Sun.

Q3: Does Voyager 2 carry any message or artifact for potential alien civilizations?

A3: Yes, Voyager 2 carries a golden record that contains sounds, images, and messages from Earth, representing the diversity and richness of life and culture on our planet. It also carries a plaque that shows the location of our solar system in the galaxy, as well as a greeting from then-President Jimmy Carter.

Q4: How much did Voyager 2's mission cost and who funded it?

A4: Voyager 2's mission cost about $865 million (in 1977 dollars), which includes the development, launch, operations, and data analysis costs. The mission was funded by NASA, which is an agency of the United States government.

Q5: How can I learn more about Voyager 2's mission or access its data and images?

A5: You can learn more about Voyager 2's mission or access its data and images by visiting NASA's official website for the Voyager program: You can also follow Voyager 2 on Twitter: @NASAVoyager.


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